Move Well. Live Well.

Do you have nagging aches and pains when training? Are you struggling to get into the right position for the overhead squat?

We are uniquely qualified to help! Armor Athletics is owned by Zach Rynders, Doctor of Physical Therapy. Since 2013, Dr. Rynders has published research and presented to healthcare professionals and coaches on the topics of movement evaluation and injury prevention. Armor members are able to enjoy a higher level of fitness by recovering faster, resolving pain, and learning how to perform basic maintenance on themselves. They are better equipped to address and prevent injuries and avoid movement dysfunction.

How does movement and mobility coaching work?

We believe in a movement-first model, focusing on what a client can safely do versus only focusing on what their diagnosis or pain is. Our goal is to empower the client to take control of their own health and fitness. We do NOT prioritize passive treatment and recurring “tune-ups” just to live pain-free.

Our program is a two-step process: Initial evaluation followed by an individualized program.


Your Initial Evaluation Will Include:


Movement Analysis:

We begin with a comprehensive movement evaluation to identify limitations. The results of this analysis will guide us in creating a plan of action to restore movement, resolve pain, and optimize your performance.


Soft Tissue and Joint Mobilization:

A tight muscle or joint capsule can lead to several types of orthopedic injury and dysfunction. Dr. Rynders employs several different mobilization techniques to restore healthy function. Soft tissue mobilization will help you perform at higher levels, pain-free. The key is teaching YOU how to perform self-mobilizations. Take control of your own health!


Strength, Coordination, and Control:

If you are experiencing some level of dysfunction, your body may be compensating with improper muscle coordination and timing. Dr. Rynders will target specific movements and muscle groups to restore proper sequencing and strength. Your muscles and joints must work synergistically to decrease the risk of injury and optimize performance.


Movement and Mobility Program:

Dr. Rynders will create a detailed regimen with a combination of soft tissue mobilization, strength work, stretching, and scaling instructions to help you move better and avoid injury in the future. You will immediately begin working towards enjoying pain-free movement both in and outside of the gym!


Need More Support? Schedule a Follow-Up Treatment!

We want to support you and provide all of the resources you need to be the best version of yourself. We offer follow-up treatment if you need more in-person support after your initial evaluation. Your follow-up treatment will include an assessment to note any changes from the initial evaluation or previous follow-up treatments. Your results will allow us to update your Movement and Mobility Program to reflect your current needs.


Initial Evaluation and Program Design:




Follow-Up Treatment:




Tacoma Crossfit Gym Armor Athletics
Location and Phone Number

5206 South Tacoma Way

Tacoma, WA 98409


map, armor athletics, tacoma, gym, fitness, health, wellness, training, coaching
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