We have some amazing members at Armor! To recognize and celebrate each other, we’ve decided to have a different coach each month pick two members they’d like to highlight. The coaches will express why they’re choosing the members and we’ll have an opportunity to learn more about the selectees in a blog post. Thank you for being a part of our community! This month’s members were chosen by Coach Joe.

Richard has been a long-time member at Armor and is one of our lifters. He runs his own business which demands a lot of time and energy, but he always makes it to Armor to train. You can usually catch him singing along with the music or making a funny comment under his breath. He has a great attitude, is engaging with other members, and cheers them on. He probably hates CrossFit/Cardio but he will jump into team workouts from time to time to help out a fellow member not be alone (he’s actually got a good motor). He signed up for the Armor Classic and his company Carpe Diem Massage and Spa is one of our sponsors for the meet. He’s a “good dude” and my choice for February member of the month.
When (and why) did you get into CrossFit/ Olympic Lifting?
I was a runner beforehand and wanted to vary my exercises and start lifting weights so I started CrossFit. I later got into Olympic lifting because I got tired of CrossFit (haha). No but really, I wanted to get stronger and there’s kind of an “art form” to Olympic Lifting when you do it right. Every so often I look over at the CF side and debate on joining in!
What is one of your fitness goals, and how are you working to achieve it?
It changes with the older I get, I mostly want to maintain and be able to move well… overall to be stronger and look good 🙂
What helps motivate you to come into the gym, especially during the times you don’t feel like it?
Consistency throughout the month, as opposed to a couple of days. If I have a “bad” day or weekend at least I’m consistent with my fitness and still feel accomplished and that keeps me motivated to keep showing up.
What do you enjoy most about olympic lifting (and why)?
When you do it right it feels good… like a perfect golf swing.

For those of you that know Alesha, you know how consistently she shows up and how hard she works. For those that don’t know Alesha… she was 2 classes shy of her 100th at Armor when she broke almost all 26 bones in her foot. She took a little over a week off, had to wait for swelling to reduce, got a boot, and was back at Armor working just as hard and has been just as consistent. She earned her 100th workout at Armor, probably not the way she wanted, but she did it with grit and a great attitude. She is even participating in the CF Open as a “Seated Athlete with Hip Function”. She is an inspirational member and my choice for February member of the month.
Who is your favorite workout partner (or coach) and why?
When I first became a member my favorite person to workout with was Molly since we were consistently at the same class but I have really gotten to know and like everybody! I also like all the coaches, it’s nice to talk to all of them and it’s fun to banter with Jess and Joe.
What do you think your strongest attribute is and why?
Never giving up.
Who is one of your mentors, and why?
My mom is my mentor. She’s the one who taught me perseverance.
What is your favorite CrossFit/ Olympic Lifting movement, and why?
I enjoy barbell work like power cleans, but my favorite movement is the back squat. I think the back squat has allowed me to measure my progress and strength the most.