Armor Athletics Procedures – COVID 19
IT’S TIME! The State of Washington is allowing us to start running INDOOR classes in PHASE TWO! While the governor’s office has not yet confirmed when Pierce County can enter phase 2, we believe it will be on June 1. As soon as the government releases more information we will let you know. We are so thankful for all of you and your continued support of our community. We are so excited to reunite and work towards building a stronger community than ever before! Our staff is working tirelessly to safely and effectively transition you back to the gym through our program, Armor Rebuild. We have closely examined the regulations set forth by the State of Washington to make sure we are able to open our doors and keep them open. We’ve outlined EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW in this post. Please read through these points so you can better understand our new policies and the precautions we are taking to help you safely return to the gym. For those of you who plan to remain home, we will continue to offer “Armor at Home” to support you until you are ready to return to the gym. |
Participating in Class
1. Designated training stations will be marked out on the floor and your equipment will remain in that station for the duration of the class.
2. The lounge area and cubbies will not be available for use during Phase 2. Please take your gym bag to your designated work out space.
1. Thoroughly clean and disinfect all equipment prior to departure. To disinfect surfaces saturate with disinfectant solution in spray bottles provided throughout the gym. The disinfectant must sit on the surface for 10 minutes, so once you saturate the surfaces you have used please do not wipe the disinfectant off. If the surface is still wet after 10 minutes, staff members will wipe the surface down before the start of the next class.
2. Leave no later than 15 minutes after class ends to adhere to state regulations and allow Armor staff to properly clean and sanitize before the next class.
Class Size
1. There will be no more than 5 people on the Olympic side at any given time.
2. There will be no more than 5 people per instructor-led class.
High risk clients are not permitted as part of Phase 2 re-opening. High risk clients include people over the age of 65, people with serious underlying medical conditions like chronic lung disease, moderate to severe asthma and people who are immunocompromised.
a. CDC ‘How to Protect Yourself & Others’ Guidelines:
Limited Facility Capacity
1. No kids, friends, spouses, extra people, or dogs allowed in the gym at this time to maximize space and safety.
Armor Cleaning Procedure
All personal stations will be cleaned and sanitized following the CDC recommended procedures using EPA LIST N: Disinfectant for use against SARS-COV-2, the cause of COVID-19. Our Disinfectant is a ready-to-use botanically derived medical-grade solution. It is NOT a skin or respiratory irritant. You can learn more about this product here: https://www.jondon.com/concrobium-broad-spectrum-disinfectant-2.html
All high touch surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized between each class by Armor Staff
1. COVID-19 Symptoms
2. Community Mitigation Strategies
3. Hand Washing & Hand Sanitizer Use
4. Mass Gathering Guidelines
5. How to Protect Yourself & Others
6. Social Distancing Guidelines
7. Travel Guidelines
8. Aerosol and Surface Stability of SARS-CoV2 as Compared with SARS-CoV1
9. Cleaning and Disinfection for Community Facilities
10. FDA Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
11. CDC Prevent the spread of COVID-19 if you are sick
12. CDC Cleaning and Disinfecting Your Facility
13. CDC Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus
14. Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for Covid-19