Chosen by Coach Joe

Tobin Martin
Tobin is relatively new to Armor but has been a great addition to our community and weightlifting team. He jumped right into our Olympic Weightlifting programming and has worked really hard.
What/who made you start Olympic weightlifting and what made you choose Armor?
I first learned of the Olympic lifts when attending a pole vaulting camp during a presentation with Olympic athlete, Brad Walker (Beijing, 2008). I did not pursue maximum effort lifts/workouts until 2012 when I started CrossFit with Tyler Searle (NorthWest Crossfit,) and later with Joshua Rhodes (CrossFit Mukilteo), and Peter Chavez (Grunge City CrossFit). I started participating in officiated competitions with Tyler Hill (CrossFit MKG), between 2016 and 2018. And again in 2022 with Cody Looney (Wolfpack Weightlifting/CrossFit Advantage,) who brought back the spark I had for the sport after a long hiatus. I was displaced from Everett to Tacoma by (a lack of) work this year and Armor Athletics was the place nearest to the factory known to have platforms and host competitions.
What motivates you during a workout?
I am not sure- the coaches’ will, which is the programming, is my fate until stymied by injury.
What’s an accomplishment (Inside or outside the gym) you’re proud of?
PRs are hard to come by in old age, but I recently set new maxes for my deadlift and overhead squat: 187kg/412lbs and 92kg/202lbs respectively.
What type of activities do you enjoy doing when you’re not at Armor?
I like soft crafts, repairing electronics, playing kendama, and doing SkitFit ® workouts with my cat, Skittles. he’s a little skittish.
Always have to do 20 lunges before walking anywhere or always do 10 pull- ups / 10 ring rows every time you walk into a room/ building?
Nope. I will take an elevator just to get to and from the second floor so that I may bring it most completely on the lifting platform and the dance floor.

Claudia Acuchi
Claudia has been here for a while and has been very deserving of member of the month… because she is not afraid to work hard and get herself out of her comfort zone. Regardless of the workout she always challenges herself and pushes to the very end. She sets a great example to all her daughters in perseverance and finishing what you started… and has even recruited Alexa to start working out with us as well. She brings a great attitude and laughter to the gym and has shown great improvements in technique. Congrats Claudia!
What/who made you start Crossfit and what made you choose Armor?
I started Crossfit because I wanted to be stronger and to be confident in myself.
What motivates you during a workout?
Working out with other people and knowing that even though we are working at different levels of resistance/ some people lift heavier weights or do different scaling options, we’re all doing the same work. Also being a role model for my girls.
What’s an accomplishment (Inside or outside the gym) you’re proud of?
Keeping true to myself and learning to love the way I am, and for once doing something that I love.
What type of activities do you enjoy doing when you’re not at Armor?
Going to Zumba with my friends and going to the beach with my girls.