March is set aside every year to highlight the achievements of women in our country. We felt it important to take some time as a community to recognize some of the incredible women at Armor Athletics.
men and women have worked together to build this nation. too often the women were unsung and sometimes their contributions went unnoticed. but the achievements, leadership, courage, strength, and love of the women who built america was as vital as that of the men whose names we know so well.
– president carter

1. What are Your Favorite hobbies, activities, and/or sports?
Soccer and Training at Armor
2. what is your favorite accomplishment?
Staying active and pushing myself to do more
3. what advice would you give to the next generation of women?
Try new things and push yourself to be better. Stay positive and open-minded.
4. Why Armor?
Everyone is super welcoming, and I am always encouraged to work hard and keep improving.

1. What are Your Favorite hobbies, activities, and/or sports?
Skiing, mountaineering, trail running, backpacking, CrossFit, gardening, chicken keeping. Mostly anything that involves Type 2 fun. Bonus points if it’s outside or in the mountains.
2. what is your favorite accomplishment?
Summiting all the volcanoes in WA!
3. what is your favorite aspect Of being a woman?
Having friendships and community with other women. We can laugh, be serious, solve the world’s problems, be outrageous, be strong, and be anything in between. I know some kick-ass women and am happy to be a part of the club.
4. who inspires you?
My parents. They’re just the best. They’ve been happily doing life together for 35 years and are both healthy, active, and so fun to be around. They’ve been inspiring me and supporting all my crazy dreams since day one.
5. what advice would you give to the next generation of women?
Boldly pursue what makes you feel alive. Every. Damn. Day. You set your own limits, so you better set it way up there.
6. What is/was your favorite job?
Firefighter/Paramedic, hands down the best job ever. I’ve been at it for 3 1/2 years and no end in sight!
7. Why Armor?
Because Armor’s got it goin on. I’m talking the best coaching staff, fantastic programming, a sick facility, and FitAids always on hand. Most of all, Armor attracts enthusiastic, hardworking, wonderful people, and I am grateful to call so many of them my dear friends. The Armor I get to be a part of is all about functional fitness, solid form, and friendly competition with your swolemates. 😉

1. What are Your Favorite hobbies, activities, and/or sports?
I have so many! Photography has been my favorite hobby since I was a teenager, but I love pretty much anything that keeps me outdoors.
2. what is your favorite accomplishment?
Moving to and carving out a great life here in the PNW. I moved to Seattle, just me and my dog, Sally, 10 years ago, and I didn’t know anyone. There was just something that always intrigued me about Seattle and even though I’d only visited the area once, I took a leap of faith and followed my heart and the rest is history!
3. what Is your favorite Aspect of being a woman?
The opportunity to empower other women; especially younger girls growing up behind me.
4. who inspires you?
I’ve met so many inspiring women and men in my lifetime but my 7-year-old niece inspires me like no one else. She inspires me to think about my life and goals from a fresh perspective. I’ve thought a lot about what it means to leave a legacy behind for future generations.
5. what advice would you give to the next generation of women?
I’ve had the unique opportunity to spend the past decade working with seniors and received so much great advice from past generations. The best advice I’ve been given is that people who are true to themselves are happier, even in the face of loss and adversity, than people who spend their life doing what they think will please others.
6. Why Armor?
Too many reasons to count! I originally chose Armor 4 years ago because of the first conversation I had with Zach on the phone when I was trying to pick a gym to finally try CrossFit for the first time. He was so much more accommodating and thorough than other coaches I spoke with and made me feel at ease about coming in to check out the program. I have stayed with Armor for a lot of the same reasons. All of the coaches and team members are so supportive, and I really miss Armor when schedules, pandemics and such get in the way of getting to the gym. I love that it doesn’t matter where I am in my life or fitness journey, there is always a place for me in the Armor Family.

1. What are Your Favorite hobbies, activities, and/or sports?
CrossFit, swimming, and gardening
2. what is your favorite accomplishment?
My two daughters, Kelly and Andrea
3. what advice would you give to the next generation of women?
Don’t get swept up in the current themes and trends. Follow your own path and be true to yourself.
4. who inspires you and why?
My grandmother has always inspired me. She had 7 kids and always loved God. She was never prim and proper but always very nice. I’m also inspired by people who are fair and non-judgmental.
5. What was your favorite job?
Being A Nurse Practitioner – on a floor at Overlake Hospital in Bellevue
6. why armor?
I love Armor, Armor is the best gym in the 253! Everyone is always so welcoming and nice. Everyone here has become my gym family!