We have some amazing members at Armor! To recognize and celebrate each other, we’ve decided to have a different coach each month pick two members they’d like to highlight. The coaches will express why they’re choosing the members and we’ll have an opportunity to learn more about the selectees in a blog post. Thank you for being a part of our community! This month’s members were chosen by Coach Samantha.

kate wortham
Kate is so kind- I remember first meeting her during her “free intro” and I wasn’t sure if she would come back since she’s big into Yoga and was new to CrossFit… but she did! Ironically I selected her for member of the month and realized that October it’s actually her one-year anniversary as an Armor Member! The past year I have seen her go from slow, intentional, unsure movements to confident, strong, and explosive movement. She always works hard during every workout and makes it a point to show up even if she’s squeezing a class in between work or is exhausted from being a working mother and wife! She’s gained so much strength and is still so humble and sweet to everyone. We are lucky to have her as a member and are excited to see what she accomplishes this next year!
What was your first thought(s) about CrossFit and your introduction to Armor?
My first thought, before coming to Armor, was that people go to CrossFit and get hurt. However, going through the onboarding at Armor, I quickly learned that the coaches take the time to break down proper alignment for moving safely and effectively. When people know I go to CrossFit, I often get “be careful, my buddy got hurt at CrossFit.” I then kindly remind them that people get hurt sitting at desks all day.
What do you feel has been the most challenging thing to learn, and how do you feel about it now?
I thought I’d never get comfortable with power cleans. I felt like a clown doing them. Now, if I can get out of my head, I enjoy them. They’re still a challenge, and I still sometimes feel like a clown, I don’t have them down, but all is coming. Also, I would like to trade someone’s biceps so that I one day may be able to do a pull-up.
What is one value or concept that you live by (and teach your daughter to live by)?
Kindness, and you’re Stronger than you think you are! I teach my daughter to Be kind to everyone and most definitely to herself. We strive to be inclusive and remember that everyone has something to teach.
What is your favorite moment, or type of METCON, and why?
I really enjoy the longer Metcons on Thursdays. Often I’m dreading them a bit and then feel so stoked once I’ve finished! And Saturdays when we work in teams, is my fav. Honestly, any day I get to go to CrossFit is a Favorite day.

Joseph Menz
Joe is one of our long-term Olympic lifting members. Seeing him head bop and hair flip around the platforms (sometimes with a makeshift crop top) is always great – he has a good attitude and is extremely consistent with his lifting. I know he’s had some challenges this year and regardless of the things he’s had to work through his priorities remained; caring for his family and maintaining his health and happiness with his training. He is a genuine and grateful person- always willing to help with extra stuff around the gym. His knowledge, experience, and overall personality is valued here and we’re grateful to have him as a member!
What drew you to Olympic Lifting, and why is it such an important part of your life?
I started doing crossfit in Nursing School to get healthier & loose weight. The longer I did it the more I realized I loved the Olympic Lifts and once I found out it was a sport I was hooked. I am absolutely fascinated by it. Not just the constant struggle to become stronger, more technically sound, etc. I am just as fascinated by the programming and the research & science behind it.
What other hobbies do you enjoy outside the gym?
I really enjoy art. Currently I’m into sculpting characters. But I also enjoy drawing and painting on everything from rocks to canvas. I enjoy being around my family, small home projects, table games, etc
What is your favorite aspect about training at Armor?
I think it is both the people as well as something that is more difficult to describe… like anyone is welcome, welcome to come as they are and not have to pretend to be something or someone they aren’t. That’s my favorite but there’s so much I love about this gym.
What Olympic Movement do you enjoy most and why? Also, does a crop top help you lift heavier?
Power Cleans… not just garbage ones either but the ones where you pop the bar just right and then your whole body drives up into the weight as it tries to drive you down into your hips and you overcome that and win… you feel like an absolute monster for just a few seconds. Crop tops add at least 20% more power and honestly, its a style that absolutely needs to make a comeback.